The King has sent you a special reward!
As thanks for committing to the Hunt so fervently, the King has chosen to reward you!

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King's Reward
The King has awarded you
Thanks for your service, hunter!
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Thanks for your service, hunter!

Longtail Updates - Round Two

Hey everyone!

We've updated the game to correct a few problems that have come up since the launch of MouseHunt v3 "Longtail".

Here's a list of what has been updated:

- A link to view the full map image is now available on the travel page. We're looking for ways to make the full map page even better and welcome your feedback!

- The imbue quantity for Lord/Lady when using Greater Radioactive Blue Potions has been corrected.

- You may once again use Facebook Credits to donate for SUPER|brie+.

- Cheese effect was being displayed as an average instead of its actual value. We've corrected the problem so that the cheese effect stat of your trap now appears as it should be (ie. Very Sale + Very Fresh = No Effect, etc).

- A problem where the give to friends page failed to load with 1,000+ friends has been corrected.

- Golden Shield once again appears on hunter profiles.

- You may now publish journals to your Facebook wall via the green "Share" button. We'll be experimenting with the colour of the button, so if the bright colour is not your cup of tea, sit tight and it will likely change.

- Mouse difficulties were not displaying properly on the mice page. The adjective "Overpowering" was not being displayed, and instead "Near Impossible" was being displayed. This caused particular confusion in regards to the Acolyte mouse. To clarify, the Acolyte mouse is easiest to catch when using a Forgotten weapon, but can be caught, on rare occasions, using Arcane or Shadow traps.

We're still doing some final testing on the marketplace. The main focus of this testing is to ensure that the new system can cope with the large volume of trades that take place. Thank you for your continued patience while we make sure the launch of the marketplace goes as smoothly as possible.

Content being worked on:
The most frequent feedback we receive from new players is that progression is quite slow in the beginning of the game, where Novice feels like an eternity.

To address this feedback, we will be adding two new titles to the beginning of the game, and splitting the titles of Novice and Apprentice roughly in half. After the update, the first four titles, in order, will be: Recruit, Novice, Page, Apprentice.

Upon being hired by the King, a hunter will start as a Recruit in the Meadow, where both a Cheese Shoppe and Trapsmith will be added. Upon graduating to Novice a hunter will unlock the Town of Gnawnia. After reaching Page, a hunter will unlock a brand new location, the Windmill. And finally, upon graduating to Apprentice a hunter will unlock the Harbour. To accommodate the new Windmill area, over 10 new mice will be added to Gnawnia and spread across the entire region.

Our main concern with splitting Novice and Apprentice is that this will drop some Novices to Recruit and some Apprentices to Page. We're particularly interested in your feedback on this issue, and welcome your constructive feedback and suggestions via the discussion boards.

Thanks to all our loyal Hunters! Until next time, good luck and happy hunting!

Posted Jun 17, 2010 9:37pm by Dave Vanderburg

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