The King has sent you a special reward!
As thanks for committing to the Hunt so fervently, the King has chosen to reward you!

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King's Reward
The King has awarded you
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Thanks for your service, hunter!

Festive Disaster! - The Festive Comet is invaded!

The Festive Comet is invaded!
The Great Winter Hunt of 2010
New mice will be available throughout December!
Lighting the Great Winter Tree and new Festive Gifts, restoring the spirit of the holidays.

Festive Disaster!

There was great celebration and jubilee from veterans and novices alike as an unprecedented number of hunters gathered together to witness the Great Winter Star Ceremony near the Festive Comet. Throngs of happy hunters surrounded the massive Holiday Tree, ringed with glittering lights and tinsel. Under the broad evergreen branches sat a mountain of sightly gifts brought by the King to show his appreciation for the hard work of the hunters.

But just as the Winter Star was being raised, a booming of steel drums drowned out the cheers! Our veteran hunter's supply of spoiled eggnog from last year's Winter Hunt burst open, disgorging an indescribable odor and a cloud of choking nog-smoke! Those stalwart hunters who held their breath witnessed a league of mice rush to the tree, stripping it bare of lights, pillaging the King's special gifts, and even claiming the Winter Star itself!

It seems the mice may well have stolen away both festive cheer and cheese, but all hope is not lost! A few of our bravest hunters were so formidable they managed to tough out the eggnog stench, capturing as many mice as they could manage. Bribing these captured mice with delicious Gingerbread Cheese, they learnt that there are 12 mouse types working for 1 mysterious boss! All we know of this festi-villain is that he leaves eggnoggey footprints in the snow...

They have also learnt that the mice have a schedule for their devious plot, and the bosses will only reveal themselves if the minions fail. The King, working together with the hunters, has released a Royal Calender to coordinate our efforts.

Now it is up to you, brave hunter, to enter the Great Festive Hunt of 2010, capture the 12 mice of winter, defeat their noggy master and restore our holiday!

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Restoring Holiday Cheer

Over the course of December, we'll be releasing a new mouse to the Festive Comet on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Mice, once released, will stay in the area as long as the Winter Hunt is active. As you catch these mice, lights in your holiday strand will turn on as you recover the spirit of the Winter Hunt. After all 12 are released and caught, the mysterious boss will be revealed and become available to you. We're told he likes his cheese as cold as his heart...

On Tuesdays, new gifts will become available in the Festive Gift Shoppe.

On Thursdays, or 'Bonus Elf Day' as we call it in the office, twice as many Elf mice are released to the Festive Comet.

The Holiday Lights

This HUD element shows how close you are to defeating the 12 Mice of Winter.

Mice that are caught are shown with a glowing light.
Mice that are released, but not yet caught, are a grey bulb.
Mice that are not yet released are faded mysteriiiooous silhouettes of lights.

Posted Nov 29, 2010 8:35pm by Mike Paterson

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