The King has sent you a special reward!
As thanks for committing to the Hunt so fervently, the King has chosen to reward you!

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King's Reward
The King has awarded you
Thanks for your service, hunter!
You have already solved this puzzle!
Thanks for your service, hunter!

Halloween Event has Ended

Hey Hunters!

Halloween Leaves Gnawnia

The Halloween event has come to an end. We hope everyone had spooky amounts of fun exploring the Haunted 'Terrortories' and hunting the sinister Gourdborg mouse!

If you were in the Haunted Terrortories at the time they were closed, you'll now find yourself in a vacant lot where there are no special mice, items or shops. The empty lot is to allow those who were at the event at the time it ended to safely travel away. The King's guards will escort out any stragglers in a few days.

We've been seeing a lot of great feedback on the forums about this event that will help plan future ones. If you have yet to visit the forums, please stop by to check out what your fellow hunters are saying and make your own voice heard!

Giveaway this November!

The King is planning a November Giveaway Event!!! Lots of Mobster and Leprechaun mice will be on the loose worth SUPER|brie+ and real cash prizes. We've taken feedback from past giveaways into account and are adding a few "mini" prize mice worth in-game items, new unique looking traps and more! We hope these new mice will provide something to win for everyone!

Hope you had a blast this October! Look forward to an exciting November!

Happy hunting!

Posted Nov 2, 2010 9:40pm by Dave Vanderburg

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A safe place for all hunters whose primary duties in life are to hunt, trap, and steal from mice in and around the Kingdom of Gnawnia.
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