The King has sent you a special reward!
As thanks for committing to the Hunt so fervently, the King has chosen to reward you!

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King's Reward
The King has awarded you
Thanks for your service, hunter!
You have already solved this puzzle!
Thanks for your service, hunter!

Longtail Updates - Round One

Hey Hunters!

As mentioned in the initial launch post for MouseHunt v3 "Longtail" there were sure to be a few problems that come up, or features that were not 100% as they were in v2.

We've been hard at work correcting problems and improving some of the new pages and features based on your feedback. Thanks for all your help and your patience as we work to make MouseHunt better than ever!

The following fixes/improvements have been made:

The mice page has had its first round of improvement. There are now two sections under the "Your Stats" tab. One displays stats by mouse group, the other by location. We're still working on implementing other player suggestions such as a list of all your catches, a link to the high-res mouse image and the ability to sort by stat columns.

The Master Burglars lurking around Gnawnia have been under siege from MouseHunters looking to reclaim the Crown Jewels! All this pressure has made them a bit weaker and easier to catch. A few have even been seen running off to the Bazaar in the Burroughs region where they are trying to sell the Crown Jewels! If hunting for a Master Burglar in the town is not quite your style, perhaps try tracking one down in the Bazaar.

Luck has been corrected to work as it did in version two. Luck both increases the chance of catching a mouse, and increases the odds of a mouse dropping loot when caught.

A couple bugs with timed environments have been fixed. Balack's Cove and the Forbidden Grove now open and close as expected. We also fixed a problem where players were being moved shortly after traveling out of the Cove or Grove.

The MouseHunt Wiki is back up and running! You can once again access the wiki by clicking the "Hunter's Wiki" link under the Lore section.

A bug where the detailed journal was not paginating two pages at a time is now fixed. Clicking the detailed journal link on the camp page will bring you to a page displaying pages one and two of your journal. Clicking next page now shows you pages three and four, then five and six, etc.

The order of cheese has been changed from alphabetical to generic "best to worst". At the top of your inventory (and camp page trap selector) will be cheese you use later on in the game, such as Vanilla Stilton, Havarti, Ancient, and at the bottom will be the early on cheese, such as swiss, marble, etc.

Based on player feedback, we have renamed Gauntlet Potions (+2) to Gauntlet Potions Tier 2. We hope this clears up any confusion regarding the number of potions dropped. Discuss what you think of the new on the boards!

We still have a long to-do list of improvements we're working on. As always, we welcome constructive feedback and suggestions via the discussion boards!

Posted Jun 12, 2010 2:20pm by Dave Vanderburg

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