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King's Gauntlet Tier 8: Eclipse Mouse Released!

We have made it to the top! The eighth and final tier of the King's Gauntlet is now released! The Eclipse mouse awaits hunters who have managed to hunt their way through all the tiers of the gauntlet to acquire the extraordinarily rare Gauntlet Potion Tier 8.

Choose your strategy carefully hunters! The Eclipse is an extremely powerful mouse and only has one notable weakness. Although it is possible to capture the Eclipse using any power type, discovering its true weakness will make for an almost guaranteed catch.

Congratulations to any hunter that has made it this far -- You have proven to be well equipped with a variety of traps and a sense of patience that is vital to any successful hunter. The journey to the top of the King's Gauntlet has been a long one, needing equipment gathered from across the entire map. Capturing an Eclipse is a sign of a seasoned hunter, who has mastered nearly every region within the game.

Once again, a big congratulations to those who have made it this far, and good luck against the mysterious Eclipse Mouse!

Posted Jul 9, 2010 6:29pm by Dave Vanderburg

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