The King has sent you a special reward!
As thanks for committing to the Hunt so fervently, the King has chosen to reward you!

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King's Reward
The King has awarded you
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Thanks for your service, hunter!
Larry's Loot Lexicon
Infinite Dark Magic Mirrors Trap
When the darkest magic in Gnawnia is reflected upon itself, it compounds and amplifies into a twisted terror that stretches into infinity.

Considered mad by many, the reckless Trapsmiths who designed this dangerously powerful contraption, took the enchanted panes of the Dark Magic Mirrors Trap and multiplied them using some dark and secretive form of alchemy. The panes were then cast into solid gold frames made from Golden Goose Eggs and bound together by the immense strength of a vine from the Bountiful Beanstalk. Finally, the largest pane was inlaid with a finely cut and polished Royal Ruby Bean, mainly for aesthetic flair.

Mice who approach this ornate, elaborate, and enchanted construction expect to see themselves but instead find that it is the infinity that stares back at them. Infinite reflections of infinite possibilities pierce the darkest recesses of their minds, enveloping and then consuming them, leaving nothing behind except a shadow without a source, persisting but not existing ad infinitum.
Use charms to give your traps special modifiers!
Use cheese with your trap to attract mice!
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Attr. Bonus
Extremely Stale
Cheese Effect
Infinite Dark Magic Mirrors Trap
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