The King has sent you a special reward!
As thanks for committing to the Hunt so fervently, the King has chosen to reward you!

The answer is not case sensitive.
King's Reward
The King has awarded you
Thanks for your service, hunter!
You have already solved this puzzle!
Thanks for your service, hunter!
Larry's Loot Lexicon
Douse your Gouda or SUPER|brie+ in a batch of Runic Potion, and it will transform, before your very eyes, into pieces of Runic Cheese, the mystical munchies favored by the mice of the Acolyte Realm.
Use charms to give your traps special modifiers!
Use cheese with your trap to attract mice!
You can use this item in your trap!
You can use this item in your trap!
This item has records of forgotten lore!
Click a page to take a closer look.
This item can be used as part of a recipe to make other items!

View Crafting Inventory
Use this potion to convert one item into another!
  • One potion converts 6 SUPER|brie+ to 6 Runic Cheese (1000 gold per piece)
  • One potion converts 3 Gouda Cheese to 3 Runic Cheese (2400 gold per piece)
Limited Edition
You Own: 1
Runic Potion
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