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Iceberg, Dead Ahead!

Iceberg, Dead Ahead!

It is confirmed: This is a full-scale mousey invasion. A large iceberg, visible from the Slushy Shoreline, has appeared off the coast of Gnawnia. And it's moving closer.

The King is calling all capable hunters to head to the Slushy Shoreline and begin the upgrade of the S.S. Huntington II. If we're going to get through all of this ice, we'll need to reinforce the hull of the Huntington in order to break through to the Iceberg.

Head to the Slushy Shoreline and collect Interlocking Hull Fragments to upgrade the Huntington and gain access to the Iceberg! This will take a joint effort on the part of all available hunters, so do not delay!

The King and all of Gnawnia are counting on you!

Interlocking Hull Fragment

This minuscule fragment is designed to connect with a multitude of other fragments to form an enormous hull-mounted icebreaker for the S.S. Huntington II.

The S.S. Huntington II will require 1.5 million hull fragments, a collective effort across all MouseHunters.

When all of the fragments have been collected and the hull has been reinforced, the new Huntington will be able to break through the ice and bring hunters to the Iceberg.

Chilly Charms

Softserve Charms

This tiny charm emanates a sweet vanilla odour that is irresistible to mice who have gotten sick of smelling stale salt air on a long ocean voyage.

When equipped on the Slushy Shoreline, more powerful mice carrying more valuable equipment will be attracted to your trap.

Use these charms to attract mice carrying special loot items used to purchase new traps!

A New Trap

Steam Laser Mk. I

Like a fog machine mixed with a laser lightshow, the Steam Laser Mark I is both effective and awesome. Even mice not directly struck by the Steam Laser Mark I's beam stop in their tracks, engrossed in the incredible lightshow before them.

This combination of hot and hydro works especially well on the Slushy Shoreline and in the Iceberg. It receives a power and luck bonus in both of these areas.

Use Softserve Charms to attract mice carrying the special loot items needed to purchase this from the Trapsmith!

Building and Hunting

Slushy Crafting Kit

This crafting kit holds items useful in the Slushy Shoreline and beyond. Use the crafting items to craft new weapons and bases, or smash them with the Hunter's Hammer to get some War Scraps. Inside you'll find 1 Wire Spool, 1 Heating Oil, 1 Frosty Metal, as well as 1 random crafting item from these three! Provides the Lucky Golden Shield for 1 month when opened.

Shoreline Supplies

This crate of icy supplies holds useful hunting items for the Slushy Shoreline and beyond. Inside you'll find 125 SUPER|brie+, 75 Softserve Charms, 1 Wire Spool, 1 Heating Oil, and 1 Frosty Metal! Provides the Lucky Golden Shield for 1 month when opened.

Iceberg, Dead Ahead!
  • Full-scale mousey invasion confirmed!
  • Aid in upgrading the S.S. Huntington II to gain access to the Iceberg
  • Join with other hunters to collect 1.5 million hull fragments in total
  • New mice have appeared carrying special loot items
  • Purchase Softserve Charms to attract mice carrying special loot
  • Build the new Hydro trap in the Trapsmith, which has a greater effect in this area

  • Travel to the Slushy Shoreline  |  Buy a Slushy Crafting Kit or some Shoreline Supplies for you or a friend

    Posted May 14, 2012 7:06pm by Giorgio 🔧 Sintichakis

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