The King has sent you a special reward!
As thanks for committing to the Hunt so fervently, the King has chosen to reward you!

The answer is not case sensitive.
King's Reward
The King has awarded you
Thanks for your service, hunter!
You have already solved this puzzle!
Thanks for your service, hunter!

Updated Camp Page

We've given our Camp Page a new look! We've also incorporated a few improvements to the Camp Page based on feedback we've received. Under the 'Friends Online' tab, each section of friends has been limited to 18, with a "see more" link appearing should you have more than 18 friends in that location. Additionally, the "Live Stream" tab is now labeled as "Status Updates".

The hunt timer has moved to beside the Camp button and should have a wood grain background behind it. If you do not see the wood grain background, please clear your browser's cache and refresh the page.

The 'Give to Friends' page has been disabled for the past few days while we were working on correcting a problem that was occasionally causing supplies to be sent to the wrong friend. We've isolated the problem to Internet Explorer, and are still testing a work-around to correct the problem. In the meantime, we recommend you either use a different browser to send supplies, or search for your friend via the hunting group page, then click "Give Supplies" next to that friend. A warning message has been added to the supply transfer page.

Also in this update:

- We fixed an error in the journal that appears when a hunter reaches the title of Grandmaster. The entry incorrectly stated that the hunter had now gained access to the Great Gnarled Tree.
- Scavenger Mice were a little reluctant to drop scrap metal in the Forbidden Grove. They've stocked up on more metal and should now drop it more frequently.
- The appropriate mouse group tab is now displayed by default based on your current location.
- You can now also use the hunting group page to search friend by location.

What we're currently working on:

- SUPER|brie+ raffles
- Luck Larry Industries' Insta-Horn-in-a-Can!

What we're working on next:

- Global mouse statistics (total caught by all hunters, etc)
- New layout for the mice page
- Mouse badges and achievements
- Trap effectiveness bar
- Zugzwang's Tower
- Investigating off-site discussion boards

Posted Jul 27, 2010 7:20pm by Dave Vanderburg

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