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New Hunter Titles and Moussu Picchu Discovery

The King has bestowed new titles upon hunters and access to a new area has been found in Hollow Heights!

Hunter Title Updates

As hunters explore areas further from the central Gnawnia Kingdom and possess years of hunting expertise and knowledge, The King has decided to update his ranks of nobility and add more experienced titles for the most experienced hunters.

The rank of Archduke/Archduchess has been split up into more titles: Viceroy, Elder, and Sage. High level Archdukes and Archduchesses may find these new titles bestowed upon them next time they take a hunt.

Lower ranked Hunter Titles have also been updated to slightly alter the amount of experience it takes to achieve the various ranks. Hunters ranked from Recruit to Grand Duke/Grand Duchess may also find a new title bestowed upon them next time they take a hunt.

If you notice your title progression is a value greater than 100%, next time you take a hunt your new title will be bestowed upon you.

Hollow Heights Climbing Gear and Moussu Picchu

Access to a new area, Moussu Picchu, will soon be unlocked! Get prepared now by obtaining special climbing equipment!

The mountain ranges above and beyond the Hollow Heights are home to an area known as Moussu Picchu. At one point in time, this mountain range spanned the entire Hollow Heights region, however, the powerful dragon mouse known as Ful'Mina reduced entire mountains to rubble!

The ruins of these mountains are what the City of Zokor was built upon, which until now blocked access to Moussu Picchu itself. However, after stealthy exploration of Zokor, another exit from the Labyrinth is believed to exist that will allow hunters to climb to the heights of Moussu Picchu!

The secret of scaling the mountains of Hollow Heights up into Moussu Picchu lies with the three Zokor district leaders. The Citizens of Zokor are interested in mining Moussu Picchu for more resources and, as such, each leader holds a piece of climbing equipment that can be used scale the mountain range.

Seek out each Zokor District Leader to obtain three unique pieces of hunting equipment

* Manaforge Smith has a Climbing Grapnel of Tech
* Soul Binder has a Climbing Vine of Scholars
* Paladin Weapon Master has Climbing Boots of Fealty

Once you've obtained all three pieces of equipment, visit the Labryinth or Zokor Cartographer to exchange them for the Moussu Picchu Climbing Route.

The King's explorers are still navigating the Labyrinth to find the exact pathway leading the Moussu Picchu. These explorers will return in approximately one week with their results. Get your climbing equipment ready now to access Moussu Picchu next week!

In other news...
Based on player feedback the Warpath Treasure Map has been updated. The Caravan Guard Mouse will no longer appear on Warpath Treasure Maps and the Flame Ordinance Mouse now has a 33% chance of appearing on a map, instead of guaranteed to be on each map. If you had an active Warpath Treasure Map with the Caravan Guard Mouse Larry has caught the mouse for you, removing it from your map.

Get prepared for Moussu Picchu
  • Capture each Zokor District Leader
  • Obtain three unique pieces of climbing equipment
  • Visit the Cartographer for the key to Moussu Picchu

  • Posted Aug 29, 2017 3:16pm by Dave Vanderburg

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